Friday, March 11, 2011

Emo Clothes style

Emo Clothes style
Emo clothes for men are mainly dark t shirts which are music inspired. Have comfortable fitting jeans, they need not be too baggy or too tight. You can add a scarf, chains and a bright sleeve less jacket with some converse or check shoes like the ones I mentioned before, to complete the look. Remember to have black in your wardrobe, so if you are wearing tight jeans with a black shirt, go all out with your hoodie. You can have a bright different jacket, that only an emo guy can pull off.

These were some tips on how to dress emo, so go ahead and be your own person. Dress the way it pleases you and you need not conform to the shackles of a pretentious society. Be brave and be free!

Emo Fashion Clothing

Emo Fashion Clothing
Since emo art is all about perceptions about emo way of life, one cannot leave fashion out of it. Emo art is all about the expression of followers of this culture who have a unique style of their own. If you have seen portraits from emo art, you can see the influence of emo school of thought on their fashion sense, the use of the color black in clothing cannot be missed. Read more on how to dress emo.

Popular emo clothing include skinny jeans, tight sweatshirts and dark colored tight band T-shirts with silhouettes. The tight jeans and stylish T-shirts with dark colors are the most important characteristic of emo culture. With time, other bright colors have also been added. Accessories such as studded belts, bracelets, ties, horn-rimmed glasses are used to complete the emo look. As far as emo hairstyles are concerned, there are no fixed rules. Use of unconventional hair colors, dyes and long bangs that fall over one eye is widely prevalent.

Emo Male Dressing

Emo Male Dressing
For men to dress emo, it is important that they don't go too goth. Emo is similar to goth style but not as dark as it. It has softer fun side to it. So the guys need some unique fun pieces in their wardrobe to pull off an emo look, for example black and white check shoes. If you have piercings then half your work is already done.

Emo Girls Dressing

Emo Girls Dressing
Needless to say being emo doesn't mean that we ignore fashion trends. The best thing about emo fashion is that it takes the current trends and adds a dark yet playful touch to the whole scene. So keep this in mind, an emo girl is tough, takes no nonsense and yet has a soft side to her. To complete the look you take everything into consideration from the hair to the clothes.

How to Dress Emo

How to Dress Emo
Most teens who want to go emo, do so without realizing that being emo is an attitude that can't be imitated. You may fit into emo clothes but they will never truly belong to you. If you know what I mean! So how to dress emo and to be the complete emo package, you need to be confident in your skin. Leave all your inhibitions behind, about what people or the society will think. Being emo means expressing the freedom of choice. You choose to dress a certain way and behave a certain way, everyone may not appreciate it. Let's take a look at how one can make emo clothing work for us.